
Construction technology unit:-1

 Hello guys I am Pranish. In this blog you will get info about civil engineering so please feel free to share my posts Construction technology unit:-2         Unit:1 

          Construction Technology


→ Construction technology is a branch dealing with erection and assembly of building and their Components.

*Construction material:

The materials used in the construction of work such as building constructions. Yoad, construction tunnel.construction materials such as cement, sand aggregate plastic , bitumen etc.

*Building materials:

 A brick is a building material used to make wall, poverment road and other element in masonary construction. Types of bricks

i) First class bricks
ii) Second class bricks
iii) Third class bricks.
iv) Over burnt bricks 
v) Sun dried bricks

First class brick 

→First class bricks are good quality brick compared to other classes. They are molded by table - molding and burnt in large kilns. So, this brick contoin standered shape sharp edge and smooth surface.

*Charactistices of first class bricks:
-They are weath smooth and rectangular     -They shall be in uniform deep red color.    -They should be free from cracks
-Dry first class brick shouldn't absorb water more than 16% of their own weight when immersed in water for 24 hrs.
-The average compressive strength of first class bricks should not be less than and not more than 125 kg/cm² l00 kg/cm square.
-When two first class bricks an are strucked together it should give metallic sound.

*Second class bricks.

→ Second class bricks are moderate quality bricks and they are
molded by ground molding process.

*Characteristics of second clase brick
-They are ground -moulded.
-They are free from cracks but small cracks are permited.
-Dry second class brick should not absorb watermore than 22% of their own weight when immersed in water for 24 hrs.
-The emit ringing sh sound when two bricks are struck each other.
-They light red color but the color of the
are brick is not same through out the area.
-The surface of brick is some what rough.

*Third class brick.

Third class brick are poor quality brick which are generally used for temporary structure like unburnt brick. These are not suitable for rainy area. These have unfair edge. This emit dull sound when two bricks are struck together water absorption is near about 25% when immersed in water for 24 hours.


The Block is a building materials which is used for construction of wall. It is sometime et called concrete masonary unit. Most of concrete block have one or more hallow focaulig and their side
Smooth with a design may be cast.

* Mortar

Mortar is a workable paste used for binding building blocks or bricks stone concrete masonry unit together fill and seal the irregular gap between them.

Type of mortar:-

i) Cement mortar
ii) Lime mortar
iii) Cement/Lime mortar

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Construction Technlology:- 2
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