
Water Supply Unit :-1

In this course you will learn about water supply. Please Share my vlog with your buddies.



1.1 Importance of water to life and our enviroment .

Water is the natural resources for the survival of human as well as living things. It is useful for production of food and energy that contributes the ecnonomy develpment of society. Therefore safe amd relible supply of water is essential for cities and town.

Water covers two third parts of the Earth's surface and 75% of human body by its volume. Water circulates through the land as it does through the human body by transporting, dissolving, and replenishing nutrients and carries away waste materials. Water regulates the activies of fluids, tissues, cells, lymps and blood.

An average body contains 42 liter of water
and with just a small loss of 2.7 liter her
helshe can sufer from dehydration and irritability, dizziness etc. Directly or indirectly water affects all parts of human life without water there would no vegatation, oxygen, affecting our planet. So water should be value and protected as the presious resource.

1.2 Necessity of water

 The use of water by human, animals and plants is universal without it can be no life. Everywhere water is necessary for various purpose such as :-
- For drinking and cooking
- For bathing and washing.
- For watering and gardens
- For growing crops.
- For street washing, fire fighting
  indrustial production etc.

1.3 Importance of water and sanitation

→The use of water is universal for human plants and animals and without it no one can survive The water is consumed by people and used for various purpose. But the water must be free from chemicals germs and chemicals.

Sanitation means the process of necessa
rg for improving and protecting health and wellbeing of people. Sanitation is the system that promote's proper disposal of human and animals waste proper use of toilet and avoiding open space defacation.

1.4 Objective of water supply

→ The objective of water supply system
- To supply sufficent quantity of water to the consumer at right time.
- To supply safe and wholesome water to consumer.
- To control posible water borne diseases
- To supply water of at reasonable cast to     the consumer.
- To encourage personal and household        cleanliness.
- To provide sufficent quantity of water for
  fire fighting and sanitation.

1.5 Water supply scheme and Flow diagram.

Water supply scheme deals with supply of safe and suitable water in sufficent quantity for various purpose like domestic, indrustial etc. Water Supply scheme extracts a cuitable water for a source and supply it to the consumer by distribution system after giving necessary treatment. A typhical water consists of following components :-

1 Sources of water : River, Lake, Pound, steam spring etc.
2. Intake or collection work : For collection of water.
3. Treatment system : For making water safe and suitable.
4. Distribution system: To distribute treated water in right time.

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