
Computer unit:-1

Hello guys I am Pranish. In this blog you will get info about civil engineering so please feel free to share my posts Construction Survey unit:-3



Defination of computer

Computer is an electronic device which accepts raw data from user and process it as per instruction given requried output,


In today's life we are surrounded with electronic devices and electronic system. All the works like bank transaction, booking, selling goods, shoping, analizing stock market, indrustial information are digitalized with the help of computer.
E-goverment or Electronic goverment is the overment that uge information and commucation technology (ICT) to provide and inprove goverment services, transaction with citizens, bussness man and other arms of goverments.

FIg of E-goverment here

E-goverment interlatationship

There are 4 sector where E-goverment involves they are as follow:-
1.G2C [Goverment to citizen relation]
2.G2B [Goverment to business relation]
3.G2G [Goverment to goverment relation]
4.G2E [Goverment to employee relation]

Advantage of E-Goverment

1.We can upgrade the current slow system f goverment.
2.To increase the goverment ability in every sector.
3.To save time and money.
4.To provide good and fast services to the citizen and business.
5.To make good interaction between goverment and commercial sector.
6.To estiblish strong and durable echonomic of country
7.To provide fast service to citizens.


1.Morallity ans relation between person to person will decrease because of communitation behaviour only in computer.
2,If any of parts doesn't work than whole will be faliure.
3.In context of Nepal, there will be many challenges to give knowledge about computer  
 and internet to the citizen.

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