
Computer unit:-4

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 Unit:- 4

                                     Programming language




The method used to develop a solution or a program is called programming. The way of writing progrgam using specified computer language to perform a specified task is known as programming language.

Computer Language (Code)

The set of codes which is used to write computer program is called computer language. It is artifical language and can be used to define a sequences of instructions that can be processed.

Sourece Programe ( Source Code)

The original program written in high level language is called source program and languageis called source code.
It should be translated into machine level language so that computer can understand and respond it.

Type of computer language

1.Machine level language

The program which are written using machine code or binary numbersis called machine level language. It is computer's own language based on binary system which is difficult to understand by human beings.It is machine dependent language and time consuming and it is also known as first generation language.

2.Assembly level language

The language which permit the use of machine memonies (which are combination of codes and english phrase). It remains in between machine level language and high level language. It is easir than machine level language and should be translated by assembler. It is also called second generation language.


1.The conumptionof time of an assembly language is less.
2.Program debugging is easier.
3.It is more faster than machine level language.


1.It is machine dependent language so difficult to learn and inplement.

3.High level language

The language which uses plain english word and correct synatax using certain rules is called high level language. It should be translated in machine code using compiler or interpreter. It is also known as third generation language. Example Qbasic, c++, java, python etc.


1.Simple due to use of plain english words.
2.There are pre-defined syntax which minimize the work of user.
3.It require less time to learn and write the program.
4.It is machine independent and problem orineted.

4GL(Fourth generation Language)

4GL are closer to humans language than other high level language are accesible to people without formal trainning. 4GL allow multiple common operations to be perform with a single programmer entered command. They are more easier to user than machine language.
4GL normally contain utility software (tools) that interacts with the database management systems (DBMS) to store and retive data needed by user. Example C# etc.


 1.Programming productive increase one line of 4GL syntax is equivalent to several lines  in 3GL code.
 2.System development is faster and progrgam maintance is easier.
 3.End user can often create their own app.
 4.Program created in 4GL are more portable than developed by other languages.
 5,Documentation is improve because many 4GL can self documented.


 1.The program is slower.
 2.Need more space in memory.

List of 3GL


Low level language

1.Brain Fked
2.Binary Assemble

Difference between Software and Program


1.Software is a term which is design to perform specifie set of operation.
2.A software consist of group of program and data files.
3.Software in a specific use these data file to perform specific task.
4.Application software comes in wide range of varietes like a text editor, media player, web browser, video editor and image editor etc different types of application software provides different types of services.
5. A system software acts as an interface between hardware and application software.
6.A software is developed by single programmer or group of progrgammer but it is develop for specific uses.
7.Software has own interface which are graphical and command prompt.
8.Software is not compiled when giving commands but whole software is compiled during the designing.
9.EG:- Ms-word, Google chrome, VLC, firefox, windows, linux, unix etc.


1.A program is a set of instruction which perform only one type of task.
2.A program consist of set of instruction which are coded in a programming language like python, ruby, c++ etc.
3.Source code in a program is written for small jobs doesn't have any other application features.
4.Programs is a simply the sequences arrangement of source code to perform small task.
5.A program is developed and used by single programmer.
6.Program doesn't their own interface.
7.A program is compiled every time when we need to generate some output for it.
8.Eg:- Program showing "whethere given number is odd or even" etc.

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