
Workshop Unit:-10

Hello guys I am Pranish. In this blog you will get info about civil engineering so please feel free to share my posts Construction Survey unit:-3


             Construction joints



The process of connecting of different parts of timber together in proper manner to form new structure is called construction joints.

Purpose of construction joints

1.To change the shape aof wooden structure.
2.To make wooden structure wide.
3.To make frame.
4.To make structure long.

Type of construction joints

1.On the basis of type of formation [purpose]

2.Lengthening joints
3.Widening joints
4.Circular joints
5.Framing joints
6.Bou joints

2.On the basis of nature of joints

1.Cross half lap joints

Uses of cross lap joints
a.It is simple and durable joints.
b.It is used in erossing member like horizontal band strip in house.
c.It is used in load bearing member.

2.Mortise and tenon joints

Uses of Mortise and tenon joints
a.It is also a simple and durable joints.
b.It is used in frame and section.
c.It is used as member of door, window, and various furniure items.

3.Dovetail cross half lap joints

Use of Dovetail cross half lap joints
a.It is also simple and durable joints.
b.It is used in frame of section.
c.It is used as member of door, window, and various furniture items.

Dovetail joints is made from two members having rapaidal shape. These kind of joints is qiet strong due to interlocking property of joints. Generall it is used to make different furniture items.

4.Mitred joints

These type of joints is made by cutting end of teo member of 45 degree and joining together to forn right angle corner.

5.Butt joints

It is the simplest tyoe of joints where teo boards are joinesd perpendicular it is the weakest type of joints. Commanly used to make simple frame.

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