
Workshop unit:-12

Hello guys I am Pranish. In this blog you will get info about civil engineering so please feel free to share my posts Construction Survey unit:-3


   Introduction to Electricity



Concept of electricity

The word electricity come from the greek word "Electron". The simplest way to define electricity is movement of electron. Electricity is one of the foundation on which our morden world has been build and it would be almost impossible to imagine everyday life without electricity.

A atom is consist of proton and nucleus at the center hiving high density, where equal number of electron is spinning around the nucleus no of electron and proton can be define as the atomic number.

Proton is the unchangeable, where outer shell electron which is called valence electron can be change. If the electron is released, then electron will be free electron. The flow can made by using requried materials. The free electron movement is called electricity.

Electric charge

Electric charge is the physical properties of matter that cause to ec=xprence of force when placed in the electromagnatic field. There are two type of charge:
1.Positive charge
2.Negative charge


It is substance in which electric charge carries electron. Simply it is an object or matter which allow the flow of electric charge for example  Human body, Iron, Copper, silver etc.


Insulator is a materials which internal electric charge doesn't flow freely that is which doesn't concist free electron eg. plastic, rubber, clothes.

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