
Workshop unit:-13

Hello guys I am Pranish. In this blog you will get info about civil engineering so please feel free to share my posts Construction Survey unit:-3



         Electrical Hazard and safty preccautions


Hazard is any source of potential damage harm on someone. Electrical hazards is due to electricity which cause burn, shocks and death of living beings.

Safty preccaution

1.Never touch or repair any electrical equipment with wet hands.
2.Never use equipment with damage insulator or broken plugs.
3.Always use insulated tools while working.
4.Should no wire code of country.
5.Always shutdown the main power before reparing or replacing electrical element.
6.Always check the current is actually of or not before starting a work.

First Aid and treatment for electrici shock

1.Dont't touch the person who is in contact of electric sources.
2.Turn off the source of electricity if possible, if not move the person away from the source by using non-conductor objects or wood.
3.Check the sign of circulation (breathing) if absent start CRP=(cardio pulmonary resosciation)

Use of protective devices

Fuses are protective devives that is used to protect the electric power system from harmful effect of overload.

Earthing ( dumping of electricity )

Earthing is a geounding system which connect to the electric circuit with the ground. It is used for protecting the human beings electric shocks.

Gas safety rules and regulation

1.Supply fresh air for combustion
2.Provide ventilation and chimynes on kitchenroom
3.Do regular maintance and take care before and after use of gas.

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