
Workshop unit:-14

Hello guys I am Pranish. In this blog you will get info about civil engineering so please feel free to share my posts Construction Survey unit:-3


        Cell and battery


Cell is the single unit which can sore electricity for short period of time. Usually cell are not rechargeable and can produce only small amount of electric energy.


 Batery is the combination of cells which can store electricity for long period of time. Battery can store large amouont of electric energy and usually it is rechargeable. There are different kind of battery on the basis of working mehanism.

Primary cells

Primary cell is a type of battery which cannot be recharged and disarded after single use. These batteries are recycled as a secondary cell.

Secondary cell

Secondary cell is a type of battery which is rechardeable and can be recharged several times. Example laptop battery, cellphone battery, rechargeable torch etc.

Parallel and series connection of cells and battery

Series connections

If cells are connected end to end so that same current flow through each cell is known as series connections.

In case of series connections, the emf of the battery is connected to the emf of individual cell.

Parallel connections

Cells are to called parallel combination if the current are divided among various cells. In parallel connnection all the postitive terminal are connnnected together and negative terminal are connected together.

Mixed connnection

Mixed connection of the battery is the combinationof both parallel and series connection of cell. This connection can increase the current and voltage according to our requriment.

Difference between cell and battery


1.Cell is a single unit that convert chemical energy to electric energy.
2.Cells are either dry or wet.
3,It supplies power for short time.
4.It is cheap in cost.


1.Battery is combination of cells.
2.Battery is rechargeable or non-recargeable
3.It supplies power for long time.
4.It is expensive in cost.

Positive and Negative and charging system of battery

A battery consist of two sides postive and negative sides. The postive terminal of the battery has high potential difference (P.D) or volt than negative terminal. Cureent always flows from higher p.d to lower p.d i.e postive to negative.

If connect the battery into battery chargeing system, the flow of electron will go from negative to postive and accumulation of p.d will appear into postive terminal of the battery and it will charges which is known as charging system of battery.

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