
Workshop unit:-6

     Hello guys I am Pranish. In this blog you will get info about civil engineering so please feel free to share my posts Workshop unit:-7   
Unit: 6

           Defects of Timber


Defects of Timber refers to irregularity acused in timber which may may cause weakness and reduce strength and durablity.

*Shrinkage of wood

Shrinkage of take place during the drying seasoning due to the srinkage of wood the surface, of wood looks like slighly irregular in shape.

*Defects due to natural process

1. Bruls 
2. knots
3- Rind galls
4. Upsects 
5. Decay
6. Spiral grains

1. Bruls

 This are abnormal growth. free due to some injury or on the side of irritation on the trunk.

2. knots

knots are caused by branches or limbs being cut through during the process of sawing.There are two types of knots
i)lose headed knots (dead knots)
ii) live or sound knots.

3. Rid galls

These are pecular swelling cause by the growth of layers of sap wood over wound. This caused due to imperfection in cut off

4. Upsects

These are such type of defall during growth of tree fibers are injured sometimes due to crushing which results in breakage of continous growth.


It is partial disintiregration of a wood due to action of insects and fungi which lives in the wood using it as a food. Decay is also known as dry rot or wet rot.

6. Spiral grains 

It is a spiral shap grains which is twisted on the trunk.

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