
Workshop unit:-8

Hello guys I am Pranish. In this blog you will get info about civil engineering so please feel free to share my posts Construction Survey unit:-3

 Unit :-8   

               Preservation of Timber of Woods


Preservation of timber refers ro art of treating with some chemical so as to increase strength and duarbility.

Purpose of Preservation

1.To protect the timber structure from insects and fungi.
2.To increase the life of timber structure.
3.To increasethe strength of timber and to make timber resistance to weathering.

Type of  Preservation

1.Oil Preservation
2.Water soluble Preservation
3.Hot and cold process
Pressure method of Preservation

1.Oil Preservation

Kerosine, coal or tar with or without admixture of soluble oil are used. The preservatibes are used for treating timber structure like eletric pole, formwork etc.It can be applied by brushing, sparying and vaccum Pressure etc.

2.Water soluble Preservation

Thes are toxic chemical in water uch as zinc chloride, boxic acide, copper chromium etc which can dissolve in water. The treatment of timber can be done by using the solution of this chemica. It can applied by panting or using vacccume pressure.

3.Hot and cold process

In this process tinber is stackes in the tank where timber is submrged in the tank. After 3-4 hours timber is taken out and sun dried.

4.Pressure method of Preservation

Injecting the toxic chemicals inside the timber is the best way of Preservation.

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