
Workshop unit:-9

Hello guys I am Pranish. In this blog you will get info about civil engineering so please feel free to share my posts Construction Survey unit:-3


            Hard and soft wood  identification

Difference between hard wood and soft wood

Hard wood

1.Hard wood comes from decideous tree which looses its leaves anually.
2.They come from angiosperm tree having broad leaves.
3.Hard wood used to grow slowly.
4.Hard wood is denser.
5.It is difficult to cut and convert.
6.It is dark in color and heavy in weight.
7.It produce mmetallic sound while collide.
8.It is durable and expensive in cost.
9.It has more fire resistance capacity.

Soft wood

1.Soft wood comes from conifer which usually remain ever green.
2.They come from gymnosperm tree having needle and conifer leaves.
3.Soft wood used to grow faster than hard wood.
4.Soft wood is less denser then hard wood.
5.Soft wood is easier to cut and convert.
6.It is light in color and light in weight.
7.It does make sound while collide.
8.It is less durable and low in cost.
9.It has less fire resistance capacity.

Comparison of wight among Raktachandan, Mahogang, salwood, toonoi, pipal.

Raktachandan, sal, Mahogang belongs to expensive hardwood having higher weight (1000 - 1300 kg/m3) as compared to tooni and pipal which have (700 - 800 kg/m3) to density.

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