
Computer Unit:-6

Hello guys I am Pranish. In this blog you will get info about civil engineering so please feel free to share my posts  


          Computer Network and Topologies



Data communication 

The process of transfering data or information between among computers is called data communication. 


It refers to all types of data transmission like sharacter, numericals, audios and videos using electronic or light emiting media.

Computer Network 

It is the logical or physical interconnection between two or more computer in such a way that people could communicate with eachother. It is used to provide users with access to share resources.

Components of computer network


2.Transmission Media

3.Networking software

4.Networking cable

Advantage of computer network 

1.It ensures that data software and hardware can be shared.

2.It provide faster and cheaper communication and data transmission.

3.It provide as a tools for emails, telecommunication, and video communication.

4.Flexible working condition and office can be made effitive and well managed.

Disadvantage of computer network 

1.High installation and administration cost.

2.Attack in the privacy of people

3.Computer virus and bugs can spread easily in 4.computer.

5.If server is out of order then all workstation will hang off.

6.Well trained support is requried.

Mode of transmission

The manner in which data are transmited from one location to another is called transmission mode. There are two methords for transmitting data from one place to another.

Simplex Mode 

Duplex Mode


 Simplex Mode 

 Simplex is one way data transmission that takes place only from sender toj reciver. Example TV that allows the signals to pass in only one direction. Computer network doesnot use simplex mode.


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